Search Results

pot holes

36 Articles Returned

Pothole Season in Full Swing

It's been a historically cold and snowy winter in Meridian Township, and as a result, we are also se...[More]

Driving with Potholes

As a result of the cold winter months, there seems to be a growing amount of potholes on the roads. ...[More]

Changing Temperatures Create Pothole Issues

The recent extreme weather patterns have not only been hard on residents energy bills, but on car re...[More]

Potential Changes Soaking Wetlands

Michigan has had the luxury of regulating their wetland areas through the state. Now, some friction...[More]

Pot Holes To Be Paid For By Drivers

Cracks, pot holes, they're both things drivers complain about and if the new proposal is put into mo...[More]

Horrifying Experience With Synthetic Pot 'K2"

A legal synthetic drug claims to give you a similar high to marijuana, but some taking the drug are ...[More]

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